I just took a time of silence to look back on my life. I looked back on the road of my life and I saw that there are two roads that are leading to where today I am.
The one road is twisty and passes through canyons, over cliffs. It is a road that no sane man will ever travel. The other road looks like a highway- straight and flat.
After a little analysis I realized that the twisty difficult road is the road I choose to walk. I asked God why my journey was so difficult and he answered me that this road is so difficult and so dangerous because I did not heed God's word. I sinned and the devil led me on this twisty road.
As I looked at the twisty road, I started seeing road-signs all along the way, representing the things that I have done in my past. How shocked was I to see all the bad things that I have said, that I have done, that I have thought of.
I could see where I went over cliffs, the places where I have fallen and stumbled and where I got hurt so badly that it seemed impossible to live. There were also places where it seemed impossible for me to have survived the road that I was traveling.
It was really a horrific road. Sometimes there was no road at all and I wondered what happened during those times in my travels on this difficult road. I asked God and He said with a smile in His voice, “These were the times where the devil let go of you and I carried you. Your choices were not always right and you had to learn, I gave you freedom to do as you wanted and was hoping that you would learn from your choices."
I said, but how is it still possible that if I was following the devil and You where still there for me. He said “It is because I love you and I will never stop loving you, regardless of your sins."
I asked God about the other road that was flat and straight and He said, "That is the road that I had planned for you and which you choose not to walk. I was willing to lead you and show you all the riches that I had in my stores for you." I observed the sign posts next to the road which showed clearly the choices I had made. There was no doubt in my mind that all these choices were very far from what God had in mind for me and what He had planned for my life.
I wondered just how much I had missed in life by not following the God's road. I looked at the place where the two roads converge and my twisty and dangerous road met the straight road-at a short distance from where I was standing. Before I could ask God about this, He answered me and said, "You started praying, you started leaving the choices in My hands. You started trusting me and you started believing in the power of what I can do. I was hoping that you would come to Me and look at My road. All it took was for you, to start asking Me for the things in your life that you wanted and trusting Me enough with those things. I am burning to release My full flood of riches onto you, to give you far more than you could ever ask for or dream of! You must remember that it was YOUR choice to travel your own road, I was always there, but you never trusted Me, you never asked Me to help you."
I could only stand in amazement on what happened since the two roads converge. I could see the drastic change and the things that came my way since traveling God's way. I decided there and then that without God in my life, I do not want to live another day. I started understanding what God, my Father had in store for me and it is so simple. I just need to trust Him with everything and I must ask Him for it.