Thursday, March 1, 2012

I don't know

What do I want???What am I seeking????

I don’t know... It’s usually my times the only answer I have to everything....”I don’t know”

Often what I thought I know had been different from what I know. I thought I never knew what I want, but then I guess I know...

I want to find liberation. Somewhere, deep down inside I feel gripped. I feel I am not free. I feel I am weighed down and I am not doing what I really want to do. Sometimes I feel there is more to me and I will never know myself because my soul is trapped. I don’t know what the trap is but I feel it when I avoid encountering what I should do.
I feel it when I don’t stand out for myself... I feel it when I allow myself to be blamed for things I did not mess up... I feel it most when I am convinced that I am not worthy of greatness...

I cannot bear to live in this trap....I want to break free


  1. People say "Ignorance is bliss" but the truth is incontrovertible even if ignorance may deride it. Generally, What people don't know doesn't hurt them but in your case what u don't want to know may still hurt you.

    If you want to do something nobody is there to stop you. You feel weighed down, you feel your soul is trapped because of the single fact that still u give thought about others feelings.

    People blame you for the things you haven't done but why do you blame yourself? People may say bad things about you but you shouldn't say bad things about yourself.

    And talking of greatness, you don't decide whether you are great or not. Let people decide it. And hear from those who really love you and whom you really trust.

    In the corners of your mind you just can't seem to find a reason to believe that you can break free cause you see you have been down for so long. But believe you me its high time and when you decide to break away from these shackles you will have people around you to support you.

    Indeed, truth reflects from this post. Just an outpouring of the heart. Keep writing!!

  2. Thank u Deepanshu. its a great feeling to know that I am able to express my feelings!!!
